Vice President -
Raymond Shaner - 300 Cardinal Street, Staunton, VA 24401 - 540-886-3928
Treasurer - Debbie Brown -
201 N. Waverley St., Staunton, VA 24401
Have a question about your roses?
Ask one of our Consulting Rosarians and receive an e-mail answer.
Interested in becoming a member of Shenandoah Roses Society? Download the membership application and mail it to
the address on the application. Dues are $12.00 per year. We have 7 educational meetings per year, a fellowship
picnic in July and finish the year with a banquet in November. You will receive 10 issues of the Shenandoah Rose Ramblings,
our newsletter containing educational articles of rose culture. Other activities include a rose exhibition in September,
seminars at garden centers and garden clubs.