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Membership Application
Shenandoah Rose Society
Affiliated with the American Rose Society
___________New $12.00 per year
___________Renewal $12.00 per year
___________ Four month Trial $4.00
___________Youth (up to age 18) $6.00 per year
The Shenandoah Rose Society is an educational, non-profit, organization dedicated to serving all those in this area who enjoy roses. Its purpose is to assist and encourage the amateur gardener. Adult membership may include one or two persons residing at the same address. With the one year membership and youth membership you will receive 10 issues of the Shenandoah Rose Ramblings newsletter, 7 educational meetings during the year and one rose exhibition. We may also have one picnic in July (covered dish) and a banquet in November (dutch treat). There are other public activities as they may come up.
All members of the Shenandoah Rose Society are encouraged (but not required) to have a membership in the American Rose Society. (P.O. Box 30000, Shreveport, La. 71130-0030. ARS membership dues are $49.00/year and includes 5 issues of the American Rose Magazine, the Rose Annual and the yearly Handbook for Selecting Roses. You may join or renew your ARS membership through Shenandoah Rose Society. Dues are payable in October for the succeeding calendar year.
PLEASE PRINT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: I ENCLOSE $_________ for membership in the Shenandoah Rose Society. Full and youth membership normally runs from January 1st and ends December 31st.
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
City_________________________ State____ Zip________
E-Mail ________________________
Telephone Number: Home ___________________ Work: ____________________
Make checks payable to Shenandoah Rose Society and mail to, Charles Shaner, 93 Shaner Ln., Staunton, VA, or give to a society member.